Projekt red трубы гайд

Мод Project Red для minecraft 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.7.10

Мод Project Red — это знаменитое продолжение старой модификации RedPower2. Он добавляет много новых схем редстоуна, механизмы, лампы и провода для проводки различных сигналов. Причём некоторые вещи работают на собственной энергии, вроде машинок и ламп. Также вы сможете скрывать незаметно за блоки свою проводку и делать интересные вещи.

  • MrTJPCore — необходимая библиотека;
  • ProjectRed Base — базовые компоненты мода;
  • ProjectRed Integration — красные провода;
  • ProjectRed Fabrication — схемы и платы;
  • ProjectRed Mechanical — механизмы;
  • ProjectRed Lighting — лампы;
  • ProjectRed World — броня и руда;
  • ProjectRed Compat — делает совместимость с другими модами.


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Вы можете написать сейчас и зарегистрироваться позже. Если у вас есть аккаунт, авторизуйтесь, чтобы опубликовать от имени своего аккаунта.

О нас

Проект основан в 2014 году. Особенностью наших игровых серверов является обязательное наличие компьютерных и технических модов и аддонов. Когда мод ComputerCraft устарел и больше не отвечал техническим требованиям, ему на замену пришел современный и высокотехнологичный мод OpenComputers. Черепашек заменили роботы из мода Opencomputers. — это площадка для игры в Minecraft и общения на форуме, стабильные серверы и возможность в легкой и игровой форме обучиться программированию на языке Lua и реализовать все свои самые смелые инженерные идеи и решения и поделиться ими с другими игроками. За все время существования проекта сменилось 10 игровых серверов, которые посетили более 9000 игроков. На сайте собрано множество интересных программ и библиотек, статей, гайдов, веселых историй и горячих обсуждений, выдвинуто множество идей автоматизации и способов программирования.

У нас играют и пишут программы как новички так и опытные программисты. А самые продвинутые участники нашего коллектива даже разрабатывают собственные авторские моды и аддоны, ресурспаки, репозитории, мощнейшие библиотеки и операционные системы.

Регистрируйтесь прямо сейчас и присоединяйтесь к нашему дружному коллективу фанатов игры Minecraft , компьютерных и инженерных модов!


Routed Junction Pipe

Routed Junction Pipes are the primitive type of routed pipes. They only provide means of connecting other routed pipes to form pipe networks.





As a Crafting Ingredient

A Routed Junction Pipe can form routed networks like any other routed pipe. However, it has no special functions, and can’t do much on its own.

Such a pipe is useful in places such as intersections of transport pipes, where if a junction pipe is not used, items will travel in a random destination, which is inefficient, as items could end up travelling around networks for a long time without ever reaching their destination.

Another use for Junction pipes is to allow connections over a very long distance. 2 routed pipes can only search so far until it gives up. If a single line is too long, it won’t discover the other router. A Junction pipe can be placed half way so all pipes can link.

When an item enters a Junction Pipe, the Junction Pipe decides which direction it is best to send the item, in order to reach the payload’s destination. If none is present, one will be assigned if available. The item is then relayed, with the hope that it eventually will reach the next router, or its destination. When being relayed, items are given a slight speed boost, depending on their send priority.

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In the case that no valid destination is found, a random direction is chosen (although never in the direction the item has just come from). This can happen if, for instance, a valid destination existed, but was removed before the items arrived.

Junction Pipes are also required if a system needs to run Transport Pipes longer than 49 blocks, as this is the limit on how many pipes routed pipes can communicate through.

All other routed pipes work as Junction pipes, and provide the exact same functionality, plus more.


These are mechanics that are shared among all types of routed pipes.

Images Description
Routed pipes form networks when linked with other routed pipes. Sides that are connected to others are indicated by the light at the end of the pipe. Red sides are not linked to other pipes, but green sides are.
Routed pipes connect to inventories. The side that is interfaced with an inventory is indicated by the yellow tints on that side. This side can be toggled between all possible inventors by right-clicking with a screwdriver. Only 1 side can connect to an inventory, inventories connected on any non-yellow side is ignored.



Issues pertaining to «Routed Junction Pipe» are maintained on the ProjectRed Github page. Report issues there.


Projekt red трубы гайд

Chips provide logic to pipes. They can control, count and filter items to create logical pipe networks.

Chips must be configured before they can be placed in a pipe. To configure a chip, right click while holding a chip in your hand. Depending on the chip, a GUI will open providing options like filter rules, extraction orientation settings, and priority.


The Chips

Null-Logic Routing Chip

The Null-Logic Routing Chip is only used for crafting other chips, and does not have any function on its own.

Item Responder Chip

An Item Responder Chip tells Extractor Chips on the network to send the contents of their inventories, which match the filter set, to the inventory connected to the Interface Pipe which holds the Responder. Items sent in this way have a blue aura, and travel quite quickly.

Chips with a higher priority value will have items sent to them first, until the inventory becomes full, after which items will be sent to other inventories with valid filters and remaining space.

Dynamic Item Responder Chip

A Dynamic Item Responder Chip tells Extractor Chips on the network to send the contents of their inventories, which match items already in the connected inventory, to the inventory connected to the Interface Pipe which holds the Responder. Items sent in this way have a blue aura, and travel quite quickly. This can be helpful as a quick way of assigning which chest in a storage system holds what.

Chips with a higher priority value will have items sent to them first, until the inventory becomes full, after which items will be sent to other inventories with valid filters and remaining space.

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Item Overflow Responder Chip

An Item Overflow Responder Chip works exactly the same way as an Item Responder Chip, with a few exceptions. Items will only travel to these chips if they cannot go to an Item Responder Chip, Dynamic Item Responder Chip, or Item Terminator Chip. They have an orange aura, and travel very slowly. You cannot filter the items selected by these chips.

Item Terminator Chip

An Item Terminator Chip tells Extractor Chips on the network to send the contents of their inventories, which match the filter set, to the inventory connected to the Interface Pipe which holds the Terminator. Items sent in this way have a purple aura, and travel quite slowly. They are intended to be used as a backup, once all Responder chip locations have filled.

Chips with a higher priority value will have items sent to them first (but only after all Responder and Dynamic Responder chips are full), until the inventory becomes full, after which items will be sent to other inventories with valid filters and remaining space.

Item Extractor Chip

An Item Extractor Chip will send items from its connected inventory to Responder, Dynamic Responder, Terminator, and Overflow Responder chips on a network, provided that the items match the filter set.

Extractor Chips are capable of simulating which side of the connected inventory they are connected to, which is useful for machines like those in Thermal Expansion, which have side-specific inventories.

Item Broadcaster Chip

An Item Broadcaster Chip tells Routed Request pipes on the pipe network the contents of the inventory connected to the Interface Pipe which holds the Item Broadcaster. An Item Broadcaster Chip is required if you want a Routed Request pipe to be able to retrieve items from the attached inventory.

Item Broadcaster Chips are capable of simulating which side of the connected inventory they are connected to, which is useful for machines like those in Thermal Expansion, which have side-specific inventories.

Item Stock Keeper Chip

An Item Stock Keeper Chip will constantly check the network for items and pull them to its pipe. If the chip is set to pull when empty, it will only pull if the inventory next to it is empty, otherwise it will pull when there are less items in the inventory than configured in the chip.

Item Crafting Chip

An Item Crafting Chip will allow the network the craft the item using the recipe set in the matrix tab. To craft it, it will move the ingredients set in the matrix to the connected block and then extract the result item (which also has to be set in the matrix tab). Item Crafting Extension Chips can be inserted in the extensions tab of the chip (The chip will not be inserted as an item but rather as ghost item). Each extension slot corresponds to a slot in the crafting matrix. These chips can be used to tell the Item Crafting Chip that the ingredients for these specific slots have to be moved to the Routed Interface Pipe containing the specific Item Crafting Extension chip.


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